Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday, Monday

So, it's Monday at the parsonage again -- one of the most challenging days of the week. After a very hectic weekend, I decided to leave work early so that I could just be in my house for a while -- and to spend some quality time with the washer and dryer.

Laundry seems to be my downfall. I can not get it all done -- washed, dried and put away. There seem to be so many other far more interesting things to distract me.

But today was perfect. The sun was shining, and I always get lots more done when it is bright and sunny. The Amana has been chugging and chugging, I made Italian beef for dinner, and we've had a peaceful (so far) evening.

I' m getting ready to go get my sheets out of the dryer so I can make the bed, decide what is for dinner tomorrow night (my other huge procrastination issue) and maybe plan a scrapbook page or two.

Last week Meg and Charlie were on Spring Break. It was wonderful just not to think about homework, clean uniforms and schedules. But today they went back, and now we are just hanging on for summer vacation.

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