Monday, December 1, 2008

New paths....

After almost 25 years, we are moving out of our church. Through an amazing set of circumstances that could have only been ordained by our Lord, Crusaders Church of Decatur is in the process of completing the purchase of a new, larger building.

We are so excited. Although our current building has served us well, we desperately need more room for Sunday School and church. I believe that part of our calling is to reach the children of our community whose parents won't bring them to church. To tell them about Jesus and to love them for Jesus, even when they aren't so lovable!

The new building will have 5 rooms downstairs (I'll be recruiting teachers!), plus a large open area. My head is buzzing with ideas of the things we can do and trying to come up with a plan for arranging everything, plus planning the move!!!

The current plan is to close on the 19th of December and our Christmas program will be on the 21st. We desperately want to be in the building on that Sunday! If everything falls into place, we may be able to take possession a week earlier. That should make December interesting!

So. Add to that two sons with December birthdays, a Mom with a December birthday, and this may be a very confusing month!

I will keep reminding myself that all of the things that will make me so busy this month are good things. It won't be worth getting all upset over (would the kids notice if we don't put a tree up at home?), when it's all about the wonderful blessings!